The Satyaprem Ki Katha trailer, starring Kiara Advani and Kartik Aaryan, is entertaining in the first half and moving in the second. Supriya Pathak and Gajraj Rao are also present. After the success of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani are back with Satyaprem Ki Katha, which is even more emotional. The breathtaking teaser depicts their heartbreaking love tale, as they are separated after falling in love. The film will be released in cinemas on June 29. The trailer for Satyaprem Ki Katha begins with Kartik as a Gujarati Satyaprem (Sattu) asking Kiara’s Katha if she is unmarried. He informs her that if she isn’t serious about him, he would wait for her because she appears to have a partner. The two finally fall in love and marry, although what transpires on the wedding day or shortly thereafter is never told. Their love story appears to have come to a tragic end, with broken hearts on both sides. Satyaprem’s father is Gajrao Rao, and his mother is Supriya Pathak. The Satyaprem Ki Katha trailer, starring Kiara Advani and Kartik Aaryan, is entertaining in the first half and moving in the second. Supriya Pathak and Gajraj Rao are also present.