The BAFTA campaign for Lost Ladies, India’s official entry for the 2025 Oscars, began on a high note with an elegant reception held at the prestigious Taj Buckingham Gate. Last night, Bollywood icon Aamir Khan, celebrated producer Kiran Rao, and renowned business leader Jyoti Deshpande hosted a reception in honour of Lost Ladies. The event brought together a dynamic mix of film enthusiasts, industry veterans, and cultural influencers, celebrating the film’s critical acclaim and its remarkable journey to representing India at the Academy Awards.
Kiran Rao has been championing Lost Ladies through a series of special in-person screenings, collaborating with esteemed film networks such as Women in Film & TV and Reclaim The Frame. These partnerships highlight the film’s resonant themes and its commitment to sparking global conversations.
With its powerful narrative and artistic brilliance, Lost Ladies continues to captivate audiences worldwide, setting the stage for a promising run this awards season.