Kalki 2898 AD, the pan Indian sci-fi epic, has achieved remarkable success at the Box Office on its opening weekend. The film debuted in third place at the Global Box Office over the weekend, after Disney’s Inside Out 2 and A Quiet Place: Day One. The film garnered a staggering $43 million worldwide during the weekend.
Released on Thursday, June 27th, across 42 territories, the film’s total worldwide gross has now reached an impressive $66 million, inclusive of previews that took place on Wednesday June 26 and $10 million from North America.
Featuring a stellar cast of A-list stars including Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Deepika Padukone and Disha Patani, Kalki 2898 AD has captivated audiences globally. The Telugu film was also released in several further language versions, including Hindi, Tamil and Malayalaml.
This impressive performance highlights the strong reception and enthusiasm from audiences, both in India and internationally. The film’s cumulative earnings are swiftly approaching $11 million, including the revenue from Wednesday previews and its Thursday opening day. This exceptional figure places Kalki 2898 AD among the best-ever openings for an Indian film internationally.
Directed by visionary filmmaker, Nag Ashwin, produced by Vyjayanthi Movies and brought to life with cutting-edge special effects and a captivating storyline, Kalki 2898 AD has set a new benchmark for Indian cinema on a global scale.